Syllabus overview (public)

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Programme Master in Management
Academic Year Academic Year 2025/2026
Module/course Code ML06
Delivery location Paris, London
Language English
Course type Elective courses 15h
Contact hours 15
ECTS 2.5
Level 5 (year post baccalaureate)
Semester Spring
Module name Operational Challenges in the Luxury Industry
Field (Discipline) Entrepreneurship
Academic Department Entrepreneurship


Module/course Summary

​Luxury industries tend to be both capital and human intensive. Capital intensive, giventhe requirements of investing in premium assets. Labour intensive, given the artisanalnature of many products or services, and the need to train an expert workforce. Thismodule discusses some of the operational challenges to building a successful luxurybusiness. From discussing the legal aspects of luxury (patent and IP protection), to thefinancing of retail, the supply chains implications of developing sustainable products,and the need to integrate vertically to guarantee quality and autonomy.

