Syllabus overview (public)

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Programme Master in Management
Academic Year Academic Year 2025/2026
Module/course Code FX58
Delivery location Torino
Language English
Course type Elective courses 15h
Contact hours 15
ECTS 2.5
Semester Spring
Field (Discipline) Finance
Academic Department Finance


Module/course Summary

Module/course Summary

The objectives of the course are to make participants familiar with advanced finance tools widely used by professionals working in private investment funds. Differently from open-investments mutual funds, private equity funds invest only in non-listed companies and instruments, and its funding structure is normally closed-end. These funds represent some of the most powerful and influential players in the global economy, although they are not always well known. One part of the private equity investment world is venture capital, which represent a segment of investable asset specialized in choosing and funding new ventures and start-ups. Obviously, this requires specific techniques that take well in consideration the initial phase of the firm, where mortality is highest, because of normally lacking cash flows and profits.



This is an advanced finance course, which gives as well known by participants the basic concepts of corporate finance: discounting and compounding , NPV, free cash flows, IRR, equity value, enterprise value, debt, multiples, firm evaluation with DCF and terminal value. Participants should be familiar with using excel.