Syllabus overview (public)

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Programme Master in Management
Academic Year Academic Year 2024/2025
Module/course Code BEA0
Delivery location Paris
Language English
Course type Elective courses 15h
Contact hours 15
ECTS 2.5
Level 5 (year post baccalaureate)
Semester Fall/Spring/Sum
Module name Advanced MacroEconomics
Field (Discipline) Economics
Academic Department Law Economics and Humanities


Module/course Summary

The course is designed to teach students their way around the professional, highly technical literature, to provide a sketch of approaches and positions on issues of macroeconomic policy and theory, and to provide as thorough a grounding as can be provided in a single semester to the models and tools macroeconomists use. This course will provide an overview of macroeconomic issues: the determination of output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed, as are public debt and international economic issues. It introduces  models of macroeconomics and illustrates principles with the experience of the economic world.


Elementary Economics Courses (Bachelor or Pré-master)